Voice Dialogue Facilitation Training
Voice Dialogue, based on the premise our healthy personality consists of many different inner selves, was developed by Bridgit’s mentors the Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone. They taught internationally for over thirty years, influencing the rise of ‘parts work’ as an integral component of effective psychotherapy. You might be familiar with the importance of identifying different parts of yourself, but the power of Voice Dialogue is that it's a somatic technique that amplifies the work immediately for deep and long-term effectiveness. Join us for this rare immersive master class. Take this opportunity to learn Voice Dialogue facilitation and apply it to your practice right away.
A unique aspect of a Voice Dialogue session is it's structured to experience a sub-personality by moving to a different physical space and dialoguing from there. Clients are empowered to engage directly with different aspects of themselves, including painful parts that may feel wounded, vulnerable, disempowered or stuck. It helps individuals safely explore alter egos that may have been affected by trauma like the inner self who remembers, as well as other protective parts that stepped in to cope. This safe and somatically-based technique helps separate from a dominant point of view and melts black-and-white thinking. It balances the contribution of each Self while recognizing its role as only one facet of the whole personality. This can be the route to personal freedom—whether your client is struggling with anxiety, depression, eating disordered behavior, substance dependence, interpersonal difficulties, creativity blocks or other stressors.
Part of what makes this a deeply transformative process is that it's an adventure of discovery. Also unearthed are golden alter egos like the Optimist, Adventurer, Healer, Playful Child, Visionary and other creative personas. It's galvanizing to connect to one's inner team of wise counselors, canny advisors, and magical sages and gain access to their precise superpowers.
Voice Dialogue is designed to be compatible with many effective modalities and shares components of a variety of psychological, therapeutic and personal growth approaches including IFS, Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction, CBT, DBT, 12-step practices, Attachment/Object Relations, psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, couples and family therapy, conflict resolution, psychodrama and other expressive therapies.
What makes this weekend immersion training worth your investment of time and money? This special learning event includes engaging in one-of-a-kind exercises that you get to add to your skillset and client resources. They include 'Mapping Your Inner Selves', learning the 'Anatomy of a Voice Dialogue Session', the “Energy” Memory worksheet which teaches energetics, highlights the physiology of expression and helps clients learn what behavioral rules they may be following from childhood that are unconsciously impeding them. Participants will learn to facilitate Voice Dialogue under supervision and through group exercises. Wellness has been described as being in the right self at the right time. Add this clinical and creative modality to your toolkit.